Sunday, November 9, 2008


Today I participated in Anthropologie's annual bake-off.  It was such an interesting learning experience, let me tell you.  Generally, I dislike competition.  It induces stress and breeds unnecessary tension between you and other competitors.  I like to stay away from things involving these shenanigans.  However... a ridiculous amount of trial baking runs later I feel the competitive spirit running through my veins.  Despite my practice runs, I finally decided to make something I have never attempted before- tiramisu.  It turned out beautifully, but I had no idea how it tasted (I was feeling pretty daring). 

When I got to work, I scanned the contest table filled with at least 30 different desserts (most of them cookies and holiday breads). The actual contest was so unorganized.  At the end of the night we didn't even know who won.  Winner receives a $20 anthropologie gift certificate which could probably buy you half a sock there.  I finally tasted my cake, and I'm happy to say i was pretty good.  After going through all this hoopla, that is damn good enough for me.


she lives in a small town: said...

that looks really good. i cant believe that you only win 20 dollars. i bet the cake costs more than that. did you add lots of kahlua? recipe please!