Friday, November 7, 2008

No Bueno

You could say that I'm a fan of Oreos.  When I was a little girl I used to try to convince my mom that they were appropriate for breakfast as long as I crushed them up, put them in a bowl, and poured in some milk.  By my standards that qualified as cereal.  A couple weeks ago, I woke up craving the chocolaty goodness.  I decided to search for a recipe online that incorporated them into cupcakes.  I will not even post the recipe because it was no bueno.  What a disappointment!  The icing was too sweet and the Oreo flavor was completely masked by the surprisingly dry cake. Oh well.  A baker always has his/her share of successes and disappointments in the kitchen, and this just happens to be one of them.  

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend :)  I'm going to explore the Bay area, look for new places to eat, and try to write some papers I've been procrastinating on.

Happy eating,